

Technical Issue

All the issue will be happen only when users are connecting to Confluence platform without using PolyU network

  1. Page editor that used to edit page in Confluence will load forever due to existence of Video JS Macro in the page.

    Video JS Macro installed in 2013, and the issue has never occur before.
    Page contains Video JS Macro before the issue had occur, is able to play the video. However, we are not able to edit it right now because the page editor will load forever.

    Issue Reproduce Page Link: Video Js Issue Reproduce (cannot edit the page when click "edit", page editor load forever)

  2. User cannot create a page with title of the following wordings, or update a page with page content that contains those wordings. 

    1. javascript
    2. Javascript

      The following two errors occur:

      Cannot update or create page:

      User cannot access the previously created page that contain the wordings:

      Testing page: javascrip (cannot update the page when title change to javascript or Javascript)


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