- To move your object towards a location,provided targeted location and current location, you can suppose your current location origin and then get the relative position of the target location in polar coordinate.
- This will give you the direction you need to travel.
- Given the speed you want the object to travel,
Stepped example : (Click mouse to step, Hold down to see the hint, More content under demo 1, please scroll down to view Keynote 0)
Processing Height 600 Width 600 final int appwidth = 600; final int appheight = 600; final float stepsize = 10; targetedobject myobject; class targetedobject { // This is the object to move int mcurrentx, mcurrenty; // This will store the current location of the object int mtargetx, mtargety; // This will store the target location of the object int mtargetx_t, mtargety_t; // Step travel float mrotation; // This is the current orientation of this object float thisstep; boolean demostep; targetedobject( int x, int y, int r ) { // Initialize with coordinate and orientation mcurrentx = x; mtargetx = x; mcurrenty = y; mtargety = y; mrotation = r; demostep = false; } void updatedraw() { //Draws the shape pushMatrix(); translate( mcurrentx, mcurrenty ); rotate( mrotation ); noStroke(); fill( 255, 0, 0 ); ellipse(0, 0, 40, 40); noFill(); stroke(255); strokeWeight(5); line( -10, 0, 10, 0 ); line( 10, 0, 5, -5 ); line( 10, 0, 5, 5 ); popMatrix(); this.drawhelper()//******************************************************* // Global variables //******************************************************* final int appwidth = 600; final int appheight = 600; final float stepsize = 10; targetedobject myobject; //******************************************************* // The class of the moving object //******************************************************* class targetedobject { // This is the object to move int mcurrentx, mcurrenty; // This will store the current location of the object int mtargetx, mtargety; // This will store the target location of the object int mtargetx_t, mtargety_t; // Step travel float mrotation; // This is the current orientation of this object float thisstep; boolean demostep; // The flag whether the helper needs to be displayed or not targetedobject( int x, int y, int r ) { // Initialize with coordinate and orientation mcurrentx = x; mtargetx = x; mcurrenty = y; mtargety = y; mrotation = r; demostep = false; } void drawhelperupdatedraw() { // Draws if ( this.demostep ) { //Need drawthe shape pushMatrix(); translate( mcurrentx, float textx, textymcurrenty ); rotate( mrotation noFill(); strokeWeightnoStroke(3); stroke( 0,fill( 255, 2550, 1920 ); line( this.mcurrentx, this.mcurrenty, this.mtargetx, this.mtargety ellipse(0, 0, 40, 40); line( this.mtargetx, this.mcurrenty, this.mtargetx, this.mtargety noFill(); stroke(255); line( this.mcurrentx, this.mcurrenty, this.mtargetx, this.mcurrentystrokeWeight(5); line( -10, 0, 10, 0 ); line( 10, 0, 5, -5 textSize(24); line( 10, 0, textAlign(CENTER5, 5 BOTTOM); noStrokepopMatrix(); fill(255this.drawhelper(); } void drawhelper() { textx =if ( this.mtargetxdemostep ) +{ this.mcurrentx) // 2; Need draw helper textyfloat = this.mcurrentytextx, texty; textnoFill(); "X2 - X1", textx, texty strokeWeight(3); textAlign(LEFT, CENTERstroke( 0, 255, 255, 192 ); textx =line( this.mcurrentx, this.mcurrenty, this.mtargetx, this.mtargety ); texty = (this.mtargety +line( this.mtargetx, this.mcurrenty, this.mtargetx, this.mcurrenty) / 2mtargety ); textline( "Y2 - Y1", textx, texty this.mcurrentx, this.mcurrenty, this.mtargetx, this.mcurrenty ); textSize(24); textAlign(CENTER, CENTER BOTTOM); noStroke(); fill(255); textx = (this.mtargetx + this.mcurrentx) / 2; texty = (this.mtargety + this.mcurrenty) / 2; text( "LX2 - X1", textx, texty ); textAlign(LEFT, CENTER); textx noFill()= this.mtargetx; texty = strokeWeight(3)(this.mtargety + this.mcurrenty) / 2; stroke(255,0,0text( "Y2 - Y1", textx, texty ); arc( this.mcurrentx, this.mcurrenty, 64, 64, 0, this.mrotation textAlign(CENTER, CENTER); textx = (this.mtargetx + this.mcurrentx) +/ 402; texty = (this.mtargety + this.mcurrenty) +/ 402; text( degrees(this.mrotation)"L", textx, texty ); } } void startstep(int x, int y) { noFill(); float targetlengthstrokeWeight(3); float temprotation stroke(255,0,0); arc( this.demostep = true; mcurrentx, this.mcurrenty, 64, 64, 0, this.mtargetxmrotation = x); this.mtargetytextx = ythis.mcurrentx + 40; targetlength = sqrt(texty pow(= this.mtargetx - this.mcurrentx, 2 )mcurrenty + 40; powtext( degrees(this.mtargety - this.mcurrenty, 2 )mrotation), textx, texty ); //Get the target distance} } ifvoid startstep(targetlength <= 0.5int x, int y) { float targetlength; this.mrotation =float 0temprotation; this.demostep = return; true; //Do Remember nottarget movecoordinates } this.mtargetx = x; if (targetlength > stepsize) { //Calculate step size this.thisstep = stepsize;this.mtargety = y; // Calculate the distance between the endpoint and start point } targetlength = sqrt( pow( else { this.mtargetx - this.thisstepmcurrentx, =2 targetlength; }) + temprotation = acos( (this.mtargetx pow( this.mtargety - this.mcurrentx) / targetlength );mcurrenty, 2 ) ); //Get the target distance if (targetlength this.mtargety > this.mcurrenty <= 0.5) { //> 180 degrees this.mrotation = temprotation0; }else{ return; //Do not this.mrotationmove = 2 * PI} - temprotation; if (targetlength } > stepsize) { // Calculate the step targetsize this.mtargetx_t = (int)(this.thisstep * cos(this.mrotation))= stepsize; this.mtargety_t = (int)(this.thisstep * sin(this.mrotation)); } void endstep() {} else { this.thisstep = targetlength; } // Get the direction (0~180 degree(s)) this.demosteptemprotation = false; acos( (this.mtargetx - this.mcurrentx) += this.mtargetx_t; / targetlength ); if ( this.mtargety > this.mcurrenty += this.mtargety_t; } } void setup() { size(appwidth, appheight); background(0); myobject = new targetedobject( width / 2, height / 2, 0 ); } void draw() { background(0); myobject.updatedraw(); } void mousePressed() { if (mouseButton == LEFT) { myobject.startstep(mouseX, mouseY); } } ) { this.mrotation = temprotation; }else{ this.mrotation = 2 * PI - temprotation; // > 180 degrees } // Calculate the step target this.mtargetx_t = (int)(this.thisstep * cos(this.mrotation)); this.mtargety_t = (int)(this.thisstep * sin(this.mrotation)); } void endstep() { this.demostep = false; // Move the object this.mcurrentx += this.mtargetx_t; this.mcurrenty += this.mtargety_t; } } //******************************************************* // Setup the size and the moving object //******************************************************* void setup() { size(appwidth, appheight); background(0); myobject = new targetedobject( width / 2, height / 2, 0 ); } //******************************************************* // Update the draw //******************************************************* void draw() { background(0); myobject.updatedraw(); } //******************************************************* // When mouse is pressed, start the stepping // Calculation process //******************************************************* void mousePressed() { if (mouseButton == LEFT) { myobject.startstep(mouseX, mouseY); } } //******************************************************* // After the mouse is released, // End the stepping and move the object //******************************************************* void mouseReleased() { if ( myobject.demostep ) { myobject.endstep(); } }
Anchor keynote00 keynote00 Processingcode title Key note //Get the target distance targetlength = sqrt( pow( this.mtargetx - this.mcurrentx, 2 ) + pow( this.mtargety - this.mcurrenty, 2 ) ); //Arc cosin adjacent side divide by Hypotenuse //OR arc sin subtense divide by Hypotenuse //Not using tangent to avoid Divide by Zero temprotation = acos( (this.mtargetx - this.mcurrentx) / targetlength ); //In this case, we are using cosin, so for the angle > 180 which means that //targety is under currend y if ( this.mtargety > this.mcurrenty ) { //> 180 degrees this.mrotation = temprotation; }else{ this.mrotation = 2 * PI - temprotation; } //Now that we have the rotation, we recalculate the x and y we need to travel this.mtargetx_t = (int)(this.thisstep * cos(this.mrotation)); this.mtargety_t = (int)(this.thisstep * sin(this.mrotation)); //Finally, move the object this.mcurrentx += this.mtargetx_t; this.mcurrenty += this.mtargety_t;
Continuous Example
Processing final int appwidth = 600; final int appheight = 600; final float stepsize = 5; targetedobject myobject; class targetedobject { // This is the object to move int mcurrentx, mcurrenty; // This will store the current location of the object int mtargetx, mtargety; // This will store the target location of the object int mtargetx_t, mtargety_t; // Step travel float mrotation; // This is the current orientation of this object float thisstep; boolean demostep; targetedobject( int x, int y, int r ) { // Initialize with coordinate and orientation mcurrentx = x; mtargetx = x; mcurrenty = y; mtargety = y; mrotation = r; demostep = false; } void updatedraw() { //Draws the shape pushMatrix(); translate( mcurrentx, mcurrenty ); rotate( mrotation ); noStroke(); fill( 255, 0, 0 ); ellipse(0, 0, 40, 40); noFill(); stroke(255); strokeWeight(5); line( -10, 0, 10, 0 ); line( 10, 0, 5, -5 ); line( 10, 0, 5, 5 ); popMatrix(); } void moveto(int x, int y) { this.mtargetx = x; this.mtargety = y; //Get the target distance float targetlength = sqrt( pow( this.mtargetx - this.mcurrentx, 2 ) + pow( this.mtargety - this.mcurrenty, 2 ) ); if(targetlength < 0.5){ return; } //Arc cosin adjacent side divide by Hypotenuse //OR arc sin subtense divide by Hypotenuse //Not using tangent to avoid Divide by Zero float temprotation = acos( (this.mtargetx - this.mcurrentx) / targetlength ); //In this case, we are using cosin, so for the angle > 180 which means that //targety is under currend y if ( this.mtargety > this.mcurrenty ) { //> 180 degrees this.mrotation = temprotation; } else { this.mrotation = 2 * PI - temprotation; } if (targetlength > stepsize) { //Calculate step size this.thisstep = stepsize; } else { this.thisstep = targetlength; } //Now that we have the rotation, we recalculate the x and y we need to travel this.mtargetx_t = (int)(this.thisstep * cos(this.mrotation)); this.mtargety_t = (int)(this.thisstep * sin(this.mrotation)); //Finally, move the object this.mcurrentx += this.mtargetx_t; this.mcurrenty += this.mtargety_t; } } void setup() { size(appwidth, appheight); background(0); myobject = new targetedobject( width / 2, height / 2, 0 ); frameRate(30); } void draw() { background(0); myobject.moveto( mouseX, mouseY ); myobject.updatedraw(); }