When there are multiple print objects in one plate, you can choose to print multiple models at the same time (by layer, the default print sequence), or you can choose to print them one by one. Print-by-object can reduce stringing and oozing caused by traveling between models. And if one model fails, it usually does not affect the printing of the other models when using this mode.
Files for 3D Printer TestTest
3D_printer_test.3mf View file name 3D_printer_test.3mf height 250
3D printer stress test by der absolute Hammer - MakerWorld
Overhang angle test
Bridging test
Tolerance test
- https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:6619187/comments
- https://www.printables.com/model/116911-clearance-tolerance-test
- https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:6627689
Temperature test
3D_printer_test.3mf View file name 3D_printer_test.3mf height 250
3D printer stress test by der absolute Hammer - MakerWorld
Slicer Control
- Variable layer height
Variable Layer Height | Bambu Lab Wiki - Lay on face
- Cut
- Objects mode
- Enable support
- Normal - Grid / Snug
- Tree - Slim / Support critical region only
- Infill
Infill Patterns | Bambu Lab Wiki- density
- pattern
- Brim
Brim | Bambu Lab Wiki - Prime Tower
Prime tower | Bambu Lab Wiki - Print by object
Print-by-object | Bambu Lab Wiki - Layer slider print sequence
Interesting 3D printing examples
curved hollow structure
In-Place Hinge
3D Print in Place Hinge with Parametric Pin Modeled in Fusion 360 TutorialWidget Connector url https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w1o48laHAos&t=181s - Print-in-Place Simple Hinge (no supports needed) by EcoDad | Download free STL model | Printables.com
- Print-in-Place
- no supports needed
- ref: 3DP - Design for 3D Printing - In-Place Hinge
Cut big object into separate part due to build plate size limitation
3D PRINT BIG PARTS (Easy!) Bambu Studio // Shapr3D Dovetail Jointing TUTORIAL #3dprinting #3dprinterWidget Connector url https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Un4jP1dcIGU&t=35s - ref: 3DP - Design for 3D Printing - How to Print Large Objects
Chain mail
Wobbling on tall skinny prints
Bambu Operation process
AMS (Automatic Material Management System)