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Ref: 3DP - Design for 3D Printing - Characterization of Filaments - Digital Fab Lab - Design and Make Confluence

Overhang angle test
Bridging test
Tolerance test
Temperature test

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Interesting 3D printing examples


Bambu X1-Carbon inspecting the first layer #thingiverse #3dprinting #bambulab #3dprinter #video



Self-service Bambu printing system detail step


  1. Slice the 3D model
  2. Screen capture the whole window including details of Total printing time, Total Filament, whole view of the sliced model, Bambu Printer type and plate type.
  3. Export plate sliced file to generate .gcode.3mf file
  4. Login to
  5. Click "3D Print"
  6. Click "New Print Job"
  7. "Choose File" → select the screen capture
  8. "Choose File" → select the .gcode.3mf file
  9. Enter the Estimated Print time, Material use amount, Which material (Must choose Matte PLA for now), Purpose for printing.
  10. For "Own interest" in purpose for printing, please write down briefly describe what this print job used for.
  11. If you need to make a consultation with our staff to discuss about your print job (maybe you need some slicing advise), you can check the "Request for consultation", and write down what you want to ask, with some files or images for reference.
  12. MUST click "submit" to submit the print job detail form.
  13. Wait for staff to review your print job and update your print job status. You will need to have the approve status for each print job in order to print.
    (We will open your .gcode.3mf file to see if there's any slicing problem that clearly leads to print fail. e.g. no support on the part that MUST need support, wrong Bambu Printer version or plate type selected)
    (We will update the status to "Required Modification from User" if there's any slicing problem)
  14. It is possible that if you have accumulate some print jobs without any slicing problem, after sometime, your print job will be auto approve by system. However, if you create any mess up situation in 3D Printer due to slicing problem in your future print job, you will need to wait for the approval from staff again.
  15. Make sure you have enough credit for the printing, otherwise you cannot start your print job.

In front of 3D Printers in V104

  1. Bring your laptop to V104 with Bambu Studio installed.
  2. Bring your phone with Bambu Handy installed and logged in your own Bambu account.
  3. Search for a Bambu that is available to use.
    1. If the Bambu power off (LED light OFF), the print job is finished. You can remove the build plate with print carefully ( (warning)  Don't damage others print ) and put on the table nearby. Then take a empty build plate on the build plate holder and place it inside the Bambu ((warning) careful for the orientation).
  4. Use your phone to scan QR code on top of 3D Printers to access the Fab Lab System.
  5. Login.
  6. Choose the correct print job you are going to print.
  7. Power ON
  8. While waiting for the Bambu to turn on and prepare, you can login your own Bambu account
  9. Open the corresponding .gcode.3mf file
  10. After Bambu finished setting up, logout the Bambu from the touch panel, login your account to the printer by using Bambu Handy QR code scanning
  11. Refresh on the Print plate window, you should see the Printer you just pair
  12. Sent the print job, you MUST UNCHECK the Timelapse, CHECK the Enable AMS checkbox. It is advise to check the Bed Leveling and Flow Dynamics Calibration for better printing quality.
  13. You should receive an email indicating that your print job start successfully
  14. (warning) Please wait until the Bambu Printer finished First layer inspection to ensure your print is successful

Notes for using 3D printer

  1. Please come back to remove your print ASAP, as it occupy a build plate which may disturb others from using the 3D printers.
  2. If there's not enough filament, please scan the QR code for that printer, and click "Request filament refill".
  3. If there's any bizarre situation happen for the 3D printer, or it encounter any operation problem, please click "Issue Report" so that our staff will come to fix the problem, or find out the culprit. slightly smiling face 


  1. The consultation will be hold only if both USER and STAFF accept the proposed time.
  2. Please go to V611 to find the staff for consultation.
  3. Please come on time.
  4. You can chat with the staff on the discussion area. You can also submit files or images for references there.

(Videos here)


Task to do

  1. Orientation
    Image Added
    View file

    Submit a Screen capture of the whole window, and a .gcode.3mf file with sliced models in Bambu studio. The orientation MUST need to fix so that it doesn't need any support in order to print the objects.