- The consultation will be hold only if both USER and STAFF accept the proposed time.
- Please go to V611 to find the staff for consultation.
- Please come on time.
- You can chat with the staff on the discussion area. You can also submit files or images for references there.
(Videos here)
Task to do
View file name Task1.3mf height 250
Submit a Screen capture of the whole window, and a .gcode.3mf file with sliced models in Bambu studio. The orientation MUST need to fix be fixed so that it doesn't need any support in order to print the objects.Sense of selecting support
Decide which is the best printing orientation by adding the support.
Instruction to student: Must use tree(auto) support mode, and need to select an extra option for the support, the best orientation should be less than 0.5g support. Remind them the surface of the bolt pattern is functional, so it must remain smooth, and must keep the original shape after printing.
Original File:View file name Task2.3mf height 250
Correct answer: (support should be less than 0.5g)
Wrong answer: