Bambu Slicer Introduction (Bambu Studio)
- Download Bambu Studio according to your PC operating system.
WindowsOS:View file name Bambu_Studio_win_public-v01.10.01.50-20241115162711.exe height 250
MacOS:View file name Bambu_Studio_mac-v01.10.01.50-20241115162711.dmg height 250
Alternative way:
Download in https://bambulab.com/en-us/download - Follow the instruction on Installation (No need to follow the version)
simply open the .dmg file then copy the Bambu Studio app to the Applications folders on your Mac. - Open Bambu Studio
- Choose Asia-Pacific
- You can choose skip or Join the program, it doesn't matter
- Clear all selection, only choose Bambu Lab X1 Carbon 0.4mm nozzle
- Filament Selection doesn't matter, just click Next
- MUST install Network plug-in
- Click "Prepare" to switch to build plate view, make sure you choose the "Bambu Lab X1 Carbon 0.4 nozzle" and the plate type is "Smooth PEI Plate"