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  1. To use an Arduino with Puredata


  1. Open MegaPD_IM.inoUsing Puredata with Arduino Mega 2560 (Need library OSCbundle.7z from : http and unpack it into [My Documents/Arduino/libraries/], this directory differ when using different OS)
  2. Open pd-extended file->preference ( Apple icon->preference for mac ), new a directory and point it to .../OSCbundle/Applications/pd
  3. Download MegaPD.pd and UseCaseM.pd , open UseCaseM.pd Using Puredata with Arduino Mega 2560 and Using Puredata with Arduino Mega 2560 , open Using Puredata with Arduino Mega 2560.
  4. Determine your comport number, then connect and test.

  5. This patch also includes MPU6050 Accelgyro.
  6. Just connect the pins to corresponding arduino port to activate it.