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// Load the colour wheelfinalwheel final int centre_x = 399; final int centre_y = 399; final int radius_l = 750; final int radius_s = 200; final int max_radius = 360; final int max_ls = 100; final int radius_p = 160; void setup() { size(800, 800); //set the size background( 255 ); stroke( 0 ); strokeWeight(2); noFill(); //ellipse( centre_x, centre_y, radius_l, radius_l ); //ellipse( centre_x, centre_y, radius_s - 6 , radius_s - 6 ); noStroke(); colorMode( HSB, max_radius, max_ls, max_ls ); for( float h = 0; h < max_radius; h += 0.125 ) { for( float s = 50; s < max_ls; s += 0.25 ) { int pt_x; int pt_y; float pt_rad = (radius_l - radius_s) / 2; pt_rad = pt_rad / (max_ls - 50) * (s - 50) + radius_s / 2; // this is the scale of the radius pt_x = round(sin( radians(h + 90) ) * pt_rad) + centre_x; pt_y = round(cos( radians(h + 90) ) * pt_rad) + centre_y; stroke( h , s, max_ls / 2 + s / 2 ); point( pt_x, pt_y ); } } } void draw() { noStroke(); colorMode( HSB, 360, 100, 100 ); int pt_x = mouseX - centre_x; int pt_y = mouseY - centre_y; //Get radius float pt_rad = sqrt( sq( pt_x ) + sq( pt_y ) ) - radius_s / 2; float pt_rad_l = (radius_l - radius_s) / 2; pt_rad = pt_rad / pt_rad_l * max_ls; float pt_hue = atan( 1.0 * pt_x / pt_y ); pt_hue = degrees( pt_hue ); if( pt_y < 0 ) { pt_hue += 180; } pt_hue -= 90; if( pt_hue < 0 ) { pt_hue += 360; } if( pt_rad >=0 && pt_rad <= 100 ) { fill( pt_hue, pt_rad / 2 + 50, max_ls / 2 + pt_rad / 2 ); } else { fill(0, 0, 0); } ellipse(centre_x, centre_y, radius_p, radius_p ); } |