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  1. Orientation

    View file


    Submit a Screen capture of the whole window, and a .gcode.3mf file with sliced models in Bambu studio. The orientation MUST need to be fixed so that it doesn't need any support in order to print the objects.

    Submission required:

    a. Reply "Task 1, group member no. {Your group member no.}, {Your English Full Name}".
    b. One modified .gcode.3mf file
    c. One screen capture of the Sliced View showing support option enable but no support generated with correct orientation of the objects (Whole window screen capture in Preview session).
    d. Your printer setting should choose "X1 Carbon 0.4 nozzle", and build plate should choose "Smooth PEI".

  2. Sense of selecting support

    Decide which is the best printing orientation by adding the support.

    Original File:
    View file

    Correct answer: (support should be less than 0.5g)


    Submit a Screen capture of the whole window, and a .gcode.3mf file with sliced models in Bambu studio. Must use tree(auto) support mode, and need to select an extra option for the support (ONLY WITHIN THE Support-Support SECTION, do not modify any option in Support-Advanced), the best orientation should be less than 0.5g support. The surface of the bolt pattern is functional, so it must remain smooth, and must keep the original shape after printing.

    Submission required:

    a. Reply "Task 2, group member no. {Your group member no.}, {Your English Full Name}".
    b. One modified .gcode.3mf file
    c. One screen capture of the Sliced View showing support option enable and selected tree(auto) mode with option selected (Whole window screen capture in Preview session).
    d. Your printer setting should choose "X1 Carbon 0.4 nozzle", and build plate should choose "Smooth PEI".

  3. Spherical print


    Find a 3d model on the internet, with spherical structure.
    Look at Variable Layer Height | Bambu Lab Wiki for reference, apply variable layer height to your 3d model, you can use either adaptive or smooth. Apply suitable support structure as well (depends on your 3d model).
    Screen capture the sliced view with color scheme as "Layer Height" just like the following picture.

    Submission required:

    a. Reply "Task 3, group member no. {Your group member no.}, {Your English Full Name}".
    b. One modified .gcode.3mf file
    c. One screen capture of the Sliced View showing the color scheme as "layer height", with suitable support structure apply to the sliced 3d model (Whole window screen capture in Preview session).
    d. Your printer setting should choose "X1 Carbon 0.4 nozzle", and build plate should choose "Smooth PEI".

  4. Hole Tightness
    View file

    You need to print a similar model at the end of this task, and submit it in the Fab Lab system, and also your printed product in the V104 collection box. 

    Provided Material:

    Please choose the corresponding base according to your number of group members (At least 2 ppl in a group)
    View file
    View file
    View file


    Printing file parameter limitation:

    Number of group members4 ppl3ppl2ppl
    Model Total Printing Time
    (including preparation time)
    <1 hr<50 mins<40 mins
    Filament Estimation (grams)<18<12<8

    If you submit a print file that is out of these range, I will request for your modification. 

    You should use the Task4Base_{}ppl.stp as the base, and draw the other missing parts by yourself.

    You need to add hole for different layer:

    First layer (the top prism in the sample):

    The cylinder for first layer have radius of 1.5mm, as the prism should tightly fit to the cylinder, the hole should have 0.1mm extra in radius, which means the hole should have 1.6mm in radius, with 5mm as height.

    Actually it do not needs to be a triangular prism, as long as it have the hole in correct size. This layer is just for preventing the layers fall off. However, please be remind that a complex shape will increase printing time, and use more filament. 

    Second layer to fifth layer:

    Number of group members4 ppl3ppl2ppl
    Number of layers432
    Height per each layer piece10 mm
    Total cylinder height40mm30mm20mm

    The cylinder have radius of 2mm, as the polygon prisms should have a little bit loose in order to make it spinnable, the hole should have 0.2mm extra in radius, which means the hole should have 2.2mm in radius.

    The height for each layer is 10mm.

    Cylinder height for 4 ppl is 10 * 4 = 40mm. (So 3ppl is 30mm... and so on)

    For Each layer:

    Can be any sided polygonal prism, it is formed by a polygonal prism minus a smaller polygonal prism so that it is hollow, and union with a tube with the 2.2mm radius hole.
    The height must be 10mm.
    Sample for forth layer:

    You also need to add 3D letter on top of the side surface.

    The letter should align with the side surface, and must be consist of 5mm in height and 1mm in width in order for it to print clearly.

    The sliced view must look like this in order for the extruded letter to print correctly.

    Required letter for layer except bottom layer:

    First letter is your group member number submitted in the google sheet. If you are the no.1 in group, you should have your first letter as "1". 
    Starting from second letter, it would be your English Full Name initial. e.g. LCM stand for Lau Chiu Ming, and he is the no. 1 in group.

    Bottom layer:

    Include your subject code (e.g. SD1105 should be "1105") at first surface (or first two surface depends on if there's not enough space).
    Then the next surface should be your group number. E.g. group 1 should be "G1", group 2 should be "G2" and so on.
    The next is the same as the other layer, your group member number and your English Full Name initial.
    (For group of 2 ppl, the surface of each side faces may only enough for single letter, you can spread the subject code on the bottom layer, and the group number on the layer above. i.e. second layer: "G" "2" "1" "L" "C" "M", third layer: "1" "1" "0" "5" "2" "H" "C" "F")

    Each group should submit 1 set (assembled), each person should make 1 layer piece.

    Extra (for student who like to challenge):

    You can draw star shape instead of regular polygon, but keep in mind that the extruded letter should not be floating (no empty space between the letter and the intersection area of two surface).

    Submission required:

    a. Reply "Task 4, group member no. 1, {English Full Name}, group member no. 2, {English Full Name}, group member no. 3, {English Full Name}, group member no. 4, {English Full Name}" *according to how many group members you have
    b. Submit the print job for only ONCE per each group
    c. Your printer setting should choose "X1 Carbon 0.4 nozzle", and build plate should choose "Smooth PEI".

    Fill in all the required detail. Your modified .gcode.3mf file should have all the parts in one plate, and set the print sequence to "By object", enable "tree(auto)" support.
    Make sure the filament amount and printing time is within the limitation mentioned above.

    d. (In Print job form) One screen capture of the Sliced View View WITH Total printing time and Model printing time shown (Whole window screen capture in Preview session). If there's support, capture should show support section.
    de. (In V104) After admin approve your print job, you can then go to V104 to send your print job to the available printers printers according to your group assigned timeslot.  Assemble your print, and then put it into the corresponding submission box right next to the printer according to your subject code. Admin will add credits to your group account before your assigned printing time slot.
    ef. (Extra requirement for SD1105 students) You should submit a powerpoint in blackboard, with 3 or more than 3 captures capturing different angle of your layer piece. 

    Printing time slot, also the deadline for Task 1-4 submission
    Group No. 1 - 1213 - 2425 - 36
    SD4410Feb 10-23 26-
    SD5978Feb 10-23  26--
    SD5512Feb 13- 26  28--
    SD1105Feb 24- Mar  12
