Simulation on CircuitJS: Link
Background: It might be needed to have a reset pulse with boot code to detect reset and hold
The circuit uses 4 pMOS and 2 nMOS
The idea is to use or gate and capacitor charging one pin to release the second input for the output to be a low pulse
The 2 pMOS flip on the bottom right side might not be needed, as 4.65v and 4.93v will be both counted as high, so not that important.
- PD
- Communication ( Bring IOT Router)
- No background
- Arduino \\\WorkingDirectory\installfile
- UART config
- UART send OSC
import processing.core.PApplet; // need the "this" in parent app to work import processing.serial.*; import cc.arduino.*; public abstract class ArduinoHandler{ public ArduinoHandler(PApplet parent){ String[] ard_list = Arduino.list(); // Find the Arduino boolean found = false; println("Find Arduino!"); for( int i = 0; i < ard_list.length; i++ ){ String dev_now = ard_list[i]; // get one name println(dev_now); if( dev_now.substring(0, ard_prefix.length()).equals(ard_prefix) ){ println("Arduino found @ "+dev_now); m_arduino = new Arduino(parent, Arduino.list()[i], 57600); found = true; // found the arduino break; } } // not found then notify if(!found){ println("No arduino found, please check your connection"); } // Do the init if(!init()){ println("Something wrong with initilization"); } }; protected abstract boolean init(); protected Arduino m_arduino; // This is written for on arduino on MAC only needs other stuff after having multiple platforms protected final String ard_prefix = "/dev/cu.usbmodem"; }
- ORID questioning strategy
- teaching students to memorize facts
The acronym “ORID” is derived from the first letters of the four stages of questioning:
- Old Schools produce identical "machines" , outdated
- Future jobs~ flexible
- Self learning
- Encouragement
- Equal strategy
- Everyone talks about same topic
- Progress / deeper and deeper
- Soft filament feeding speed control , too fast will jam in the pushing gear (Need to watch it printing the whole process for now)
- Temperature, 210~220 is OK, however much easier to jam in the head and burn.
VIDEO0020.mp4 (Not playable codec, so you'll need to download)
Following version still will print with problem.
- Suggestion list
- Cut the 2d lab part from 1st Sem for Ogre and put some of Sem2's lab into Sem 1.
- Start develop the final game earlier
- Needs to do presentation right after exam week
- Technical work
- , need to implement a precision ray casting example
- Successfully biased the voltage to 2.5v using 2 3k3 resistors and a capacitor (106 , non polarized)
- Biasing using only 5v (2.5vpp max) is not sufficient, with any load, the output is clipped.
- Green = output , Yellow = biased input (VPP kept well)
- Positive feedback,
- Group 1
- Skin conductivity to stress (GSR analogRead)
- Noise to attract
- Toy movement(Actuation)
- Heart Rate sensor (possible)
- Chart
- Group 2
- Interactive DJ experience
- Card insert
- 8 x 8 scanning
- Group 3
- Neopixel + tap
- Pressure matt
- Group 4
- Reflective
- No duplicated line (line that overlaps might be hazardous, more likely to catch on fire)
- Workflow for both SD and IC
- Stroke weight = 0.1px
- No colour inside any shape
- Use continuous line instead of individual sections
- Teach how to join lines in AI
- Convert to AI3 format before cutting
- For SD, it uses corelDraw for final output
- For IC, it uses DXF which is CAD/CAM format.
- Measure the total output area before cutting
- Needs to be smaller than
- The material size
- The workable area of laser cutting
- For SD it's 800mm x 450mm
- IC has bigger size but needs inquiry
- Needs to be smaller than
- For card-board, thinner is prefered (suggested by Unknown User (sdwillo))
Recognising 3D products and sourcing part documentation with scanned data
- This is entry point to an old research, no source code is found