If you have any questions relating to this workshop, please post your questions as comment to this page.


  • This is a workshop for new user to learn essential features in Confluence which are necessary for submitting individual and team submissions and collaborating

Spaces, Groups and Teams

Please refer to the table in SD5512_2024_S2Home#Cohort: on your group, teams and corresponding spaces.

Notes on terms in the table:

  • Space - a storage for an individual or team to organize contents (in form of pages); each user has its own personal space, while a space can also be created for a team
  • Space Name - name of a space, which is human-friendly and can be changed, e.g. SD5512_2024_S2_Team00
  • Space Key - a key which is used internally, and is unique in the whole system and cannot be changed after creation of the space, e.g. SD55122024S2T00 is the space key for the space SD5512_2024_S2_Team00. You can use "Space Tools > Overview" to check your space key
  • Confluence Group Name -  name of the group in Confluence, which is used for assigning restrictions to space or page
  • Full Name - full name of a user of this space, and can be changed, e.g. Choy Sze Tsan Clifford
  • Username - a unique ID of the user in this system, and cannot be changed. e.g. mccliff

General Settings on Permissions in Spaces (for advanced users)

  • All existing users in Confluence must be in the group sd_ld_users. Note that a user can belong to more than one groups.
  • The term Permissions in Confluence refers to access rights to spaces and pages and resources associated with them. The following is the general settings on permissions on different types of spaces in Confluence:
    1. Spaces for shared access by all users (e.g. Confluence 101, Design ProcessTKBDET4M)
      • All existing users in Confluence (that is, those in the group sd_ld_users) have rights in the space to 
        • View - view content (ie. pages and associated attachments)
        • Delete Own - delete any attachment and comment added by the same user
        • Add Attachment - add attachment (e.g., paste a photo, drag-drop a file) to a page
        • Add Comment - add comment to a page
      • Note that they are not allowed to
        • modify or delete any page in the space
        • delete any attachment created by another user
        • delete any comment created by another user
      • Use Space Tools > Permissions to check your granted permissions to a particular space, as follows:
        • Note that if you are NOT granted with the Admin rights in the Permission, you will not see the function Space Tools > Permissions.
    2. Spaces for particular subjects (e.g. SD5512_2024_S2 Home )
      • A subject space is usually named as <subject code>_<year>_<semester>. For example, SD5512_2024_S2.
      • Only teachers and students in the subject can access to this space, and they are in groups whose names end with _teachers (e.g. SD5512_2024_S2_teachers) and _students (e.g. SD5512_2024_S2_students) respectively. Note that:
        • Teachers have full access to the space, 
        • Students can View, Delete Own, Add Attachment and Add Comment
    3. Spaces for team projects
      • These are spaces for project teams, so that they can capture all materials during their projects.
      • Only members in the team will have full access to the project teams, and they have "Admin" rights.
      • If the project team is related to a subject (e.g. SD5512_2024_S2_Team01),
        • students in the same subject but NOT in the same team will have rights to View, Delete Own, Add Attachments and Add Comments to the space
        • teachers will have full access rights to the space
      • As an example, the following shows the permissions for SD5512_2024_S2_Team01
    4. Personal space
      • This is the space belonging to an individual user.
      • All existing users in Confluence (that is, those in sd_ld_users) have rights to View, Delete Own, Add Attachment and Add Comment
      • Space owner has full access rights to the space, including the "Admin" rights
      • Note that as the owner can have "space admin", he/she can allow other users/groups to have different access rights to his/her own personal space


  1. Login to Confluence (www.designandmake.org)
    1. If you do not have the password, press Forgot Your Password? to request the Confluence to send you an email to reset your password. Please make sure you enter the correct user name or email. For students, your user name should your student ID number (e.g. 12345678d). 
    2. After pressing the Send it to me button, you should receive a message like this
      1. Note that the sender is from a domain name "designandmake.org". Your email client may consider this email to be junk or spam, and hence you will have to look for it in those associated folders in your email client.
    3. Follow the link to reset your password.
  2. What is Confluence?
    1. Watch the 60s video in Overview of Atlassian Confluence
    2. Visit Learning Resources for Confluence for learning resources on Confluence.
    3. Confluence is an Enterprise Social Media Platform
    4. It is for facilitating communications and sharing of information in an enterprise, but yet is not open to public - just like Facebook but within an enterprise.
    5. Keep track of changes, allow access control, support project management, support collaborations, and more.
    6. It has many spaces, each space has its own access control (on view, edit and delete)
    7. Each space has pages arranged in hierarchy, and access rights to each page can be controlled
  3. Dashboard - a quick walk through of its functions
    1. Collapsed sidebar: 
    2. Expanded sidebar: 
    3. click "Confluence" (1) to go back to Dashboard no matter where you are
    4. on side bar 
      1. expand (by clicking ">>" in (2)) or collapse (by clicking "<<" in (A))
      2. "Discover" (B)
        • All updates - show activity streams (who has done what recently and by when)
        • Popular
      3. "My Work" (C)
        • Recently worked on
        • Recently visited
        • Saved for later use
      4. "My Spaces" (D)
        • for keeping spaces on the left side bar for quick access
    5. on top row
      1. Spaces (3)
        • Recent spaces
        • space directory
      2. People (4)
        • Find a user in Confluence with its name
      3. Calendars (5)
      4. Create (6)
        • for creating a page in current space; note what is your current space, by looking at the path
        • using different templates for different types of pages. for example, page, blog posts
      5. Search (7)
        • for searching contents on Confluence, including space, page, calendar, attachments
      6. Notifications (8)
      7. Profile (9)
    6. on bottom right corner
      • Upcoming Events (10)
        • on upcoming events from those Calendars you are watching
  4. Submission page for this workshop
    1. Visit Assignment 0 - Workshop on Introduction to Confluence and find the page beneath it with your name. This is the page to submit your work in this workshop.
    2. For example, this is for the user Demo Student for SD5512_2024_S2
  5. Personal space
    1. create personal space (Create a personal space - Learn Atlassian Confluence #41)
      1. use Add Personal Space to create your personal space
      2. Copy the URL of your personal space from your browser, and paste as comment in Post link to your personal space in this page as comment.
      3. After you posted URL of your personal space, administrator will help to create the Myshare pages for you, and will look something like this:
        1. As it will take sometime for the administrator to create those pages for you, please proceed with next few steps first while waiting for the administrator to create for you in the background. We will return to these pages in Step 12
  6. SD5512_2024_S2_Team00
    1. Visit the team space for team00. Note that all students in SD5512 are able to edit in this team space.
    2. Task 1Create a page My first page (<your name>) in this team space (e.g. My first page (Demo Student for SD5512_2024_S2) ), with the following contents:

      1. A table with three columns, with the heading “name”, “student ID” and “email”. In the 2nd row, fill in your full name, your student ID and your email address.
      2. Insert a photo, and set its width to 800px
      3. Add a link to the image, which links to the home page of the subject space (SD5512_2024_S2 Home)
      4. Add the labels firstpage and sd5512_2024_S2 to the page.
      5. In the submission page (in step 4)
        1. Add a heading Task 1

        2. Add link of your created page after the heading
    3. Task 2: Share your page and have shared access to My first page (<your name>)

      1. Find another student in your class, and share your page to him/her
        2. The other student should get a notification (refer to Step 3.e.vi above.
      2. Then edit the same page with your classmate at the same time. Make some modifications to the page, and ask your classmate to do so as well.
      3. Update the page, and ask your classmate to do the same.
      4. Go to Page History of the page, and capture the page change history. An example is as follows:
        1. Note that the history shows that the page has been share-edited by two different users.
      5. In the submission page (in step 4)
        1. Add a heading Task 2
        2. Paste the screen capture of the page history after the heading
    4. Task 3: Search, comment and mention
      1. Search for another page with the labels firstpage and sd5512_2024_s2, and you should be able to find pages from other students. Pick a page at random, watch it, like it and add comments to the page. Note: search command is case sensitive, in that labelText and AND have to be in exact case
      2. In the comment, mention another student (NOT the author of the page you are commenting)
      3. Check Watchers of the page, and you will find yourself watching the page which you have commented.

          1. In the above, the page is created by Ho Yee Tung, and the comment is added by sd5512_2024_s2_stu00. Hence, the two users are watching this page:
            1. evonna.ho (as that is the creator)
            2. sd5512_2024_s2_stu00 (as this user add comments to the page)
      4. Note that
        1. By watching it, you will receive an email notification whenever there is someone edited the page. You will also see a notification in the workbox.
        2. By adding comment to the page, the author of the page will receive an email notification (and a notification in workbox)
        3. By mentioning another person, an email notification (and a notification in the workbox) will also be sent to the person being mentioned.
        4. By liking a page, the author of the page will get a notification. With enough likes, the page will appear in the Popular tab.
      5. Ask the author of the page AND the person you mentioned in the comment section to give you a reply once they received the notification. As an example:
      6. In the submission page (in step 4)
        1. Add a heading Task 3
        2. Copy the URL from your browser, and paste the URL of the page, and screen capture in (v) after the heading
    5. Task 4: Inline comments to page
      1. Find another student in your class, and find his/her My first page in team space of team00
      2. While in the viewing mode, highlight some words in the page and move the mouse cursor on top of the highlighted area to see the button for adding inline comments as follows:
      3. Add an inline comment, and ask the other student to reply your comment. You or the user can resolve the inline comments by clicking the Resolve function as follows:
      4. You can access to those resolved comments by using the "Resolve Comment" function, and can reopen them
      5. In the submission page (in step 4)
        1. Add a heading Task 4
        2. Copy the URL from your browser, and paste the URL of the page, and screen capture the inline comments after the heading
    6. Task 5: Add a video to My first page (<your name>)
      1. Run a computer game on your computer and record a short video of the game. You can refer to Screen Recording, Especially for Computer Games on some recommendations on tools to use.
      2. Convert your video into H.264 format. You can refer to Recommended setting for video for confluence on how to do this.
      3. Upload the video (in mp4) to the page My first page (<your name>) created in Step 6.c using the VideoJS macro (refer to Tutorial for playing video using preview in page.)
        If your video cannot be displayed using Video JS, please refer to How to ensure your uploaded video in Confluence could be view by others?.
      4. In the submission page (in step 4)
        1. Add a heading Task 5
        2. Copy the URL from your browser, and paste the URL of the page My first page (<your name>), and screen capture of the page after the heading
  7. Profile
    1. Update profile
      1. Go to "Profile" and "Edit Profile"
      2. Fill in information in "Personal" and "Company"
      3. Note that changing the Full name and Email will have no effect in current system configuration. If you want change them, please post a comment to Change to Full Name and Email Address.
    2. Picture
      1. upload a profile picture of yourself
    3. Task 6: Personal introduction
      1. In the home page of your personal space, add a short description of your background.
      2. In the home page, Include a link to page with your more detailed information on your profile (including academic and working experiences as well as other interests) so as to let other classmates to know you better.
      3. In the submission page (in step 4)
        1. Add a heading Task 6
        2. Copy the URL from your browser, and paste the URL of the page created in Step 7.c.ii, and screen capture of your home page after the heading
  8. Task 7: Find an online reference and share to team space for team00
    1. Use the Share a Link by clicking at the create from template button at the tool bar to share a page (e.g. a youtube video or a web site) to SD5512_2024_S2_Team00.
      1. Note that you can drag the "Share on Confluence" as shown on the right screen capture to add that to the bookmark bar of your browser, so that you can use the function directly. This works in Chrome and Firefox
    2. Find a reference under the theme "theme park", "disney" and "experience", and share at least one link to SD5512_2024_S2_Team00. Please add the labels theme_park and experience to references you shared.
      1. Click View shared link page to see the shared page
      2. In the submission page (in step 4)
        1. Add a heading Task 7
        2. Copy the URL from your browser, and paste the URL of those shared links after the heading
    3. Task 8: In your personal space, create the page My First Page, and add a macro Content by Label to list all pages with the labels theme_park and experience

      1. In the submission page (in step 4)
        1. Add a heading Task 8
        2. Copy the URL from your browser, and paste the URL of the created page My First Page after the heading
  9. Task 9: draw.io
    1. Create a new page My Second Page in your personal space, and then add the draw.io macro:
    2. Refer to https://info.seibert-media.net/display/DRAWIO/draw.io+for+Confluence+-+User+Documentation on how to use draw.io. Also, please refer to Tips/Issues on Diagramming in Confluence on an issue on draw.io add-on in handling images. 
    3. You should try the following features:
      1. drag an image and add graphics/text on top of it. Note that it has a limit on the size of the image it can handle. Hence, do not insert too many images or images with high resolution.
      2. add link to other pages
    4. In the submission page (in step 4)
      1. Add a heading Task 9
      2. Copy the URL from your browser, and paste the URL of the created page My Second Page, and screen capture of the page after the heading
    5. If you encounter any saving problem on publish or update a Confluence page, please refer to What should be done if page have saving problem due to programming code?.
  10. Create content page using Page Tree Macro
    1. You can always use a page tree macro to generate a list of child page. 
      1. Create a page in your personal space, and call the Page Tree Macro.
      2. Click on the Page Tree Macro and edit it.
      3. Add "@self" in the Root Page textbox. Then save it.
      4. There's no content show on the page since there's this page do not have any child page yet.
      5. Use the "Reorder page" from the Space Tool.
      6. Drag the My First Page and My Second Page in your personal space to the page you just created.
      7. Two pages become the child pages.
      8. Return to the page, you will see it shows a list of all of the child pages. Please be reminded that this will only show one level of child pages
  11. More on page editing (which are optional, will need some self-explorations)
    1. Create another page with exactly the same name as that in Step 6.c and see what happens when you save the page.
    2. Edit a page and make some change to it, and then close your browser without saving the page. Visit the page again and note what you observe. Click Edit again and see what you observe.
    3. Edit the page and add the macro Content by Label which get contents from pages with the labels firstpage and sd5512_2024_s2.
    4. Delete the page created Step 6.c, and try to restore it
    5. Create a new page, add something to it, and close the browser without saving the page. See if you can identify how to recover the page. (Hint: refer to Drafts)
  12. Myshare and Theirshare
    1. A list of tables should be displayed at the bottom of your personal space homepage. You will see a table for every subject group you are in. In this table, you can see the hyperlink of Myshare Theirshare pages if your subject teacher has already created them for you. If not, you can still see the hyperlink that links to the subject space. You can easily access all your subject spaces and hand in your assignment there.
      1. Table showing Myshare and Theirshare pages for SD5512_2024_S2

      2. Actual pages for sharing with different students
    2. If Myshare and Theirshare pages have been created, you should see hyperlinks in the table:
      1. My Public Page
        1. The hyperlink to the right of the title My Public Page is or visiting the page which is public to all students in the subject SD5512_2024_S2

        2. Title of this page is in the form: <your full name>'s Public Page <course space name>. For example, for the user Demo Student SD5512_2024_S2, the name of this page is Demo Student for SD5512_2024_S2's Public Page sd5512_2024_s2.

        3. This page allows all the users in the confluence to view. If you have anything about the course that want to share with everyone, for examples like ideas and your product, then you can post it on this page. 

      2. In the side bar, you can see many child pages under the Myshare page. Do not remove any pages under the Myshare page, as well as any labels on these pages.
      3. MyShare to others
        1. Hyperlinks below the title MyShare to others are pages for you to share materials to other students in the subject SD5512_2024_S2. Click on the hyperlink with the name of the student will bring you to the page for sharing materials to that particular student. Note that contents in this page (and those beneath it) are only viewable by you and the specific student only.
        2. Title of the page is in the form: <student full name> <course space name>. For example, for the user Demo Student SD5512_2024_S2, the name of this page is Demo Student SD5512_2024_S2 sd5512_2024_s2.
      4. Their Public Share
        1. Hyperlinks below the title Their Public Share are public share pages of all students in the subject sd5512_2024_s2. You can visit their public share pages to see if they have anything that wants to share with everyone.
      5. Theirshare to me 
        1. Hyperlinks below the title Theirshare to me are all pages which students in the subject SD5512_2024_S2 share with you only. Note that content in this page is only viewable by you and the specific student. You can visit those pages to see if they have anything that wants to share with you only.
  • No labels