Electronics Fixture Prototype:
Item | Unit Price | QTY | MEMO | CURRENCY | Subtotal |
Digital Encoder | 16.80 | 3 | ????? /????? ??? ???? | RMB | 50.4 |
Geared Motor | 20~43 | 2 | http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?spm=a230r.1.14.85.XgF9AE&id=12362658376&ns=1&abbucket=7#detail (Need to pick according to structure) | RMB | |
Arduino Micro | 50 | 1 | http://detail.tmall.com/item.htm?spm=a230r.1.14.18.xGEkjO&id=43135462524&ad_id=&am_id=&cm_id=140105335569ed55e27b&pm_id=&abbucket=7 | RMB | |
Acrylic Supporting | |||||
1 Comment
Victor Cheung
Unknown User (sdknchow) Still not finished, found a problem that if I buy from different shops, the delivery cost will make it inefficient. So may want your input on how we do it.
There will be some structural part in the electronics controlling fixtures that I am not able to estimate the cost.
But the overall cost of the structure will be less than 500 HKD.