CommandUseData LengthDataMemoReturnReturn LengthData
/cfgainConfig How many Analog Input to scan1int The config1int
/cfgpinConfig Digital Pins for function14intShould always skip pin 0,1 as it's used for SLIP comm
0=Din, 1=Dout, 2=PWM, 3=Servo 
The config14int
/doDigital Output14intNote that 0 and 1 won't have any effectOutput Datus14int
/pwmPWM Output6intPin 3,5,6,9,10,11 (Used for both PWM and Servo)Output Datus6int
/asPoll analog in0  Analog in1~6int
/dsPoll digital in0 0,1 will be random as it's polling from serial inputDigital in14int

Bugs to fix: Should always skip pin 0,1 as hardware serial is always occupied.

Version 2.0 Insight:

  • Serialpins should be removed.
  • Expandability for loadable modules that masks out io pins.
  • Internal events that can occur to do interrupt-like information to Host.
  • No labels