- Because the special situation of a pandemic , physical installation in not possible
- However, Alex mentioned in Apr20 note that he want your installations to be feasible
- Only providing options here, not must use, pick what you feel comfortable
- Example: Example.odt
System Diagrams
- System Diagram: Shows how different parts of the installation interact
- Also relevant: how embeded part is connected with screen interaction
- Hardware
- Wired
- USB-Serial
- Etc
- Wireless
- Wifi
- Bluetooth
- LoRa
- Etc
- Wired
- Protocol
- Self defined (Usually for simple projects)
- Fieldbus
- Etc.
- Hardware
- Also relevant: how embeded part is connected with screen interaction
- Interaction Diagram: Shows how user uses the installation and how the installation reacts
Screen Interaction Part
- The would be the part that you would be focus on as it's possible to prototype it
- Usually all the Visual/Audio/Gesture element goes here
- Tools used from last years experience:
- More User Friendly, Less Customizable:
- Adobe XD and Origami studio is what you like for screen interaction also Sketch
- Construct2 free for small scale project, exports HTML
- Less User Friendly, More Customizable (If you need not only point and click, but interactions like drawing, dynamic content):
More complex screen interaction will require you go about the hardway
- More User Friendly, Less Customizable:
- Screen based interaction can also have computer attached more complex sensors:
- Screen
- Projection
- Touch ( eg: Smart mirror )
- Motion capture (Kinect/Leapmotion)
- others...
Physical Installation
- Structures:
- Overall arrangement of the structure / layout
- Hand sketch
- software like: SketchUp
- Overall arrangement of the structure / layout
- Mechanics:
- Looks-like versus Works-Like
- For this, as there's no trial and error, work-like is goal, however, there would be caveat for real construction always
- Tools that can do simulation
- Solvespace
- Linkage
- Also CAD/game engine/blender if you want to
- Solvespace
- Tools that can do simulation
- Electronics:
- For any
- sensors:
- Sound
- Distance
- Gas
- Temperature/Humidity
- etc...
- actuators:
- Motor
- Stepper/servo/linear
- Heater
- Hydrolics
- etc...
- Motor
- sensors:
- For any
System Diagrams
- Budgeting (estimation)
- Video to use:
- Identify things to use: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b5_pkiJv8_k
- Really need to seriously think about feasibility:
- Mechanical mockup vs functional: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KdsI5ibR9Pk