- Arduino
- Basic circuit knowledge
- Basic puredata programming
- To use an Arduino with Puredata
- Open Using Puredata with Arduino Mega 2560 (Need library OSCbundle.7z from : and unpack it into [My Documents/Arduino/libraries/], this directory differ when using different OS)
- Open pd-extended file->preference ( Apple icon->preference for mac ), new a directory and point it to .../OSCbundle/Applications/pd
- Download Using Puredata with Arduino Mega 2560 and Using Puredata with Arduino Mega 2560 , open Using Puredata with Arduino Mega 2560.
Determine your comport number, then connect and test.
- This patch also includes MPU6050 Accelgyro.
- Just connect the pins to corresponding arduino port to activate it.
Victor Cheung
Upcoming updates, 22~53 extra digital input/output.
RGB sensor
Victor Cheung
Updated added $0 to send and receive , added mutable prints
Victor Cheung
Mega program analog in bug fixed
Upcoming updates, MPU6050 library to up-to-date version (Now still using I2cdev & MPU6050)