Circuit Diagram
Component | Pin on Device | GPIO | Header | Remarks |
Servo Motor 1 | PWM | 12 | H5 | |
Servo Motor 2 | PWM | 13 | H6 | |
Servo Motor 3 | PWM | 4 | H7 | |
Servo Motor 4 | PWM | 3 | H8 | |
DFPlayer Mini MP3 Player | RX | 18 | H11 | IO18 is TX of ESP32C3 Connect pins 1 and 3 of H11 |
DFPlayer Mini MP3 Player | TX | 19 | H11 | IO19 is RX of ESP32C3 Connect pins 2 and 4 of H11 |
DFPlayer Mini MP3 Player | BUSY | 8 | ||
MPR121 | IRQ | 7 | H1 | |
MPR121 | SCL | 10 | H1 | |
MPR121 | SDA | 6 | H1 | |
WS2812 | DIN | 5 | H4 |
PCB layout
How to Solder and Check Connections
How to Test Each Component on the Soldered Controller Board
Soldered Controller Board with Components
The following shows wires to be soldered in H11. The two switches soldered are for controlling volume of the MP3 player, and are optional.